Kids love balloons. Adults love balloons. Balloons, I feel are overlooked because like flowers…they don’t last very long after their initial beauty and joy.

If you are a babysitter, a camp counselor, or anyone who needs to kill an hour with kids all you need is a balloon.

I am playing with kids who don’t really speak English, but they do know the language of the Balloon Game. Clare (bestie) and I would play the balloon game in the Russian House my junior year of college. Yeah I was 20 at that time! We would be so hysterical from staying up late/we are always giggly when we are together/college is a weird time, that we would channel our energy into the Balloon Game.

Basically the rules are that it cannot UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES touch the ground. Clare and I would be half vomiting because we were laughing so hard. I would jump over the couch and run into the walls/tv/other people in order to prevent the balloon from touching the ground. You don’t keep track of points. It’s hilarious. Anyone can play. You burn off tons of energy and kids want to sit down after half an hour. Unless they are those crazy cracked out kids who can keep going for days. And those are so very, very real.

I played this game with Amina, the little girl I am the governess for this summer. She is A-DO-RA-BLE. We started by coloring some sheets in order to learn the months in English, but boy she was NOT interested. She was like uhhh….it’s Friday let’s freaking PLAY!

So for 45 minutes, I would shout at her to hit the balloon with her foot! Her head! Her shoulder! Her toes! And she would get so into it when trying to kick the balloon she hit her own eye with her hands in the heat of enthusiasm. It was intense. She also put a flower bead INSIDE the balloon so it would make a whizzing sound every time she hit it. Wow, that added a whole new element to the game. There was just too much fun to be had.

Basically kids are the BEST and teach you how to have fun.

I hope everyone appreciates how beautiful and weird kids are.

Have a beautiful Saturday everyone!