Sometimes I read to the kids before nap time. Let me tell you, know matter what language you speak kids LOVE being read to. I know my parents read to me and my sister Amanda ALL. THE. TIME. when we were little and I am so glad. It made us creative thinkers and hey! we still looooove to read. Heck I became and English major.

Anyway, I read Julia Donaldson books all the time in the kindergarten, and today I read Room on the Broom. What a great story about a witch and her friends she acquires on the way, until she meets….a DRAGON. At the end of the story, the animals save her from the mouth of the beast and say “BUZZ OFF THAT’S MY WITCH!”

Well you can only imagine where this story goes. The Russian-English teacher (who is AWE-SOME) was asked by the kids to explain what that meant in Russian. She wanted to repeat the English phrase again, so she said with conviction “BUZZ OFF THAT’S MY BITCH!”


I think we were both crying we were laughing so hard. Tears were just pouring down my face because she just said it with so much authority.  I stopped reading the story for about three solid minutes and the kids were suuuuper confused. What’s funny? They were half heartedly giggling out of confusion and concern. Like uhhh….what’s up with Miss Berg right now?

I tell you, it’s the little things that happen throughout the day. Kids are hilarious. For example, today Sasha saw a stray cat outside and yelled in perfect English “HELLO CAT!” Just cheerily waving like it was going to respond. I was proud.

I am so lucky to have this job.