It has been some time since my last written post, and I apologize for my absence. I could say that I have been busy, and there have been moments and stretches where I have indeed been rather busy. But the truth is, I am not doing…much.

To bring you up to speed: I finished my year at the kindergarten and practically sobbed when I had to say goodbye to Andrey and Vova. One of the teachers told him, “Poor Andrey! What are you going to do without Miss Berg?” The question is, (let’s be real here), what am I going to do without HIM?! He is so cute and I just want to look at his face and pick him up and spin him around. I made incredible strides with that child, and if I have a son I want him to be like Andrey. I am weeping as we speak. HIS FACE!

It is so incredibly rewarding to work with children. In the beginning of the year Andrey would give me a kind of stink eye that would frighten even Regina George. At the end of the year he would voluntarily give me hugs. I mean, THAT’S AWESOME. I love my job, and I feel so grateful for it. I am the absolute youngest worker there, and sometimes I really feel like it. Not that I am a young squirt amongst the elderly, but that I have a LOT to learn. To say the very least. Not only am I NOT Russian, I am 22, no teaching experience, and all I really have is a lot of energy and an endless supply of hugs. That’s what I will say in my next job interview: You know sir/ma’am, I am not really qualified for this position, but what I can say is that I have a lot of energy and an endless supply of hugs. Is that something that you are looking for? Oh, and I have an unrivaled high kick.

Anyway, I am straight up chillin for the month of June. I ended work the 31st, went to Finland and Estonia, and have moved into a new apartment! It’s a beautiful apartment in the center of the city and I feel so lucky to live where I do at the ripe age of 22. Not bad!

This past week since getting back from Estonia has probably been the least productive week of all my human existence. As my father would say, I am stealing oxygen from productive working people. I have allowed myself one week to be lazy, and boy do I feel it. I finished the 5th season of Mad Men and have been watching makeup how-to videos like the champion that I am. I am drinking some iced coffee that I made and wearing my pajamas with a sleep mask on my head. It is currently 7:47 p.m. I feel as productive as a loaf of bread but you know, I am trying to tell myself that I won’t be able to do this many times in my life. I’m not married, I don’t have children, I AM YOUNG AND WILD AND FREE! So I decided to live like Boo Radley for a week. I always overextended myself throughout college, fueled my the magic of ALL DAY COFFEE. Those days are over my friend, and I am enjoying my relaxing time. Basically I read, watch(ed) Mad Men, and sing Proud Mary at the top of my lungs imagining that I am Tina Turner. It’s awesome.

Question of the day: If you could do anything and make a living from it, what would you do?

I would be a professional karaoke singer/makeup artist. I also think I could be a personal motivator. Not a life coach necessarily, but if you need to get pumped about something, I can do that for you.